Extension declaration

The Extension Declaration is an object describing the extension, its capabilities and configuration options.

When registering a new extension, Hygraph will load and validate this declaration and use it to build the configurations forms.

General declaration propertiesAnchor

All extension declarations share the following properties:

extensionTypeEnum(field, formSidebar) (required)The type of extension. Currently only field is supported
nameString (required)Display name for the Extension.
descriptionStringOptional description.
configConfigOptionsDefinitionOptional definition of global configuration options for this extension.

Additional declaration properties are available for each extension type. For field extension declaration properties in particular, see Field extension.

In the example below, we initiate a declaration for a field extension:

const declaration = {
extensionType: 'field',
name: 'Store item ID',
description: 'Reference an item from our shop',
// Field extension specific properties
fieldType: 'STRING',
features: ['FieldRenderer'],

Config propertiesAnchor

You can use config properties to prompt the user when installing the plugin for additional settings that are made available to your UI extension.

typeEnum(string, number,boolean) (required)

In the example below we'll declare configuration for a STORE_ID and ACCESS_TOKEN.

const declaration = {
... rest of the declaration
config: {
type: 'string',
displayName: 'Store ID',
required: true,
type: 'string',
displayName: 'Store Access Token',
description: 'API access token for this UI extension',
required: true,
// ... rest of declaration props here

When installing the above with the configuration, it would look something like:

UI Extension Configuration
UI Extension Configuration

Applying declaration changesAnchor

When changing your extension declaration, you need to refresh your extension settings in Hygraph and save the changes.

Applying declaration changes
Applying declaration changes