How to Build an Internal Company Wiki from Scratch

In this tutorial, you’ll learn to create an internal company wiki from scratch. The backend and content management will be implemented with Hygraph, and the frontend with Next.js.

Ravgeet Dhillon
Ravgeet Dhillon
How to Build an Internal Company Wiki from Scratch

A company wiki is a knowledge hub where organization-specific information can be easily accessed by the individuals working in an organization. Information in the hub can be related to engineering operations, hiring procedures, employee information, and other company-specific information. Creating and maintaining a company wiki can be complex, but tools like GraphQL and Hygraph (previously GraphCMS) can make it easier.

GraphQL is a query language for APIs that allows you to request and fetch only the data that you want.

Hygraph is a cloud platform for creating databases, tables, and powerful GraphQL APIs. It allows you to create content on the fly with features such as text editors, workflows, and advanced roles.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn to create an internal company wiki from scratch. The backend and content management will be implemented with Hygraph, and the frontend with Next.js.


For this tutorial, you’ll create four data models: employee data, a business glossary, company policy, and video courses. The employee data will be fetched from an external source like BambooHR, and the assets for video courses will be hosted on Cloudinary. Finally, you’ll use GraphQL APIs to fetch the data from Hygraph, and the data will be presented on a Next.js frontend website.

Architecture diagram


To follow this tutorial, you'll need to have Node.JS v16 and npm v8 installed on your system.

Setting Up HygraphAnchor

The first thing you need to do is set up the backend. To start with Hygraph, sign up for an account if you don’t already have one.

On your Hygraph dashboard, create a new blank project, and fill in the required details by giving it a name, a region, and an optional description.

Hygraph project setup

Once your project is set up, you can create the schemas.

Creating Models in HygraphAnchor

What tables are to a relational database database, models are to Hygraph. In Hygraph, you can create models and add fields to them.

To create a model, click Schema in the left sidebar to open the schema editor.

Creating the Company Policies ModelAnchor

To create a model for storing company policies, click on Create Model button, and give the model the display name "Company Policy".

Hygraph model

Click the Create Model button, then add the following fields to your model by clicking the appropriate tile in the right-hand column and giving it the specified name:

  • Title, a Single line text field.
  • Description, a Markdown field.

Hygraph model fields

Creating the Business Glossaries ModelAnchor

Follow the same steps you followed to create the Company Policy model to create a model for storing business glossaries. Give it the display name "Business Glossary", and add the following fields to it:

  • Title, a Single line text field.
  • Description, a Multi-line text field.

Hygraph model fields

Creating the Course Videos ModelAnchor

While you can upload your assets to Hygraph, for the purposes of this tutorial, let’s suppose that you want to host your assets on a third-party platform like Cloudinary. In this case, before you can set up the course videos model, you need to install the Cloudinary app on Hygraph. Follow Connect your Hygraph project to Cloudinary through the end of the "Install the Cloudinary App" section.

Once you have connected Cloudinary with Hygraph, create a model for storing course videos. Give it the display name "Course Video", and add the following fields to it:

  • Title, a Single line text field.
  • Video, a Cloudinary Asset field.

Hygraph model fields

Creating Employees ModelAnchor

For the employees, suppose that you want to fetch the data from another platform, like BambooHR. Hygraph allows you to fetch data from remote sources through a process known as content federation.

To get data from a remote source like BambooHR, create an account on BambooHR and add some employee-related data. On fresh signup, BambooHR will add some default data for you.

Once you have signed up for BambooHR and added employee information, click on the Profile button in the top right corner and select API Keys from the dropdown menu.

BambooHR API key

Create a new API key by giving it a name. Make note of the key and keep it somewhere safe, as you’ll be using it while setting up a remote source in Hygraph:

BambooHR API key form

Next, to see the data sent by the BambooHR API, refer to the BambooHR API Authentication docs and then send a GET request to<YOUR_BAMBOOHR_DOMAIN_NAME>/v1/employees/<EMPLOYEE_ID>?fields=firstName,lastName,gender,jobTitle using an HTTP client like Postman.

Don't forget to replace the values for <YOUR_BAMBOOHR_DOMAIN_NAME>, <EMPLOYEE_ID>, and <YOUR_BAMBOOHR_API_KEY> in the above request.

If the employee ID exists, you’ll get a response containing the fields you passed in the request URL.

BambooHR API response

On Hygraph dashboard, visit the Schema tab in the left sidebar and then add a new Remote Sources for BambooHR by adding the following details:

Hygraph remote source form

When connecting to a remote API, you can specify the shape of the response coming from the API with the help of a custom type definition. Still on the remote source form, scroll down and add the BambooHREmployee type with the following fields under the Custom type definition field:

type BambooHrEmployee {
firstName: String
gender: String
id: String
jobTitle: String
lastName: String

Hygraph remote source type definition

Save the settings for the remote source, and create a new model for storing employee information. Give it the display name of "Employee", and add the following fields to it:

  • BambooHR ID, a Single line text field
  • External, a REST field. For this field, add the following details:

  • Display name: External
  • Remote source: BambooHR
  • Method: GET
  • Return type: BambooHREmployee
  • Path: /employees/{{doc.bambooHrId}}?fields=firstName,lastname,gender,jobTitle

Hygraph remote source field

In the path, the {{doc.bambooHrId}} is the value from the BambooHR ID field.

Hygraph model fields

That’s it. The models are set, and you can now add data to them.

Adding Data to Content TypeAnchor

For the company wiki, you need to add data to the models. This data will eventually be shown on the frontend.

To add data to the models, click on Content in the left sidebar, and then add some data and external data sources, such as Cloudinary and BambooHR. Select the model to which you're adding the data, and then click Add entry. Fill in the fields that you created previously, then Save & add another until you've populated the model with data. When you're done, click Save & publish. Do this for each model.

Setting Up Permissions for the Content APIAnchor

By default, access to the Content API is forbidden. To get the data from Hygraph, you'll need to set up permissions.

To do so, first, visit the Project Settings in the left sidebar. Click on API Access under the ACCESS header. You’ll be provided with the GraphQL endpoint for the Content API. Make note of this, as you’ll use this endpoint to access the content.

Hygraph content API

Instead of providing public access to the API, you can protect it with an authentication token and add permissions to it. To do so, visit Project settings in the left sidebar, then click on Create token under the Permanent Auth Tokens section:

Hygraph auth token list

Fill in the details for your token by providing it a name, a default stage of your choice for content delivery, and an optional description:

Hygraph auth token details

Click Create & configure permissions to create your token. You'll be taken to the Create Permissions page, which displays the token at the top. Make note of this token, as you’ll be using it while fetching the content from the frontend:

Hygraph auth token

Configure the permissions for the Auth token that you just created by clicking the Create permission:

Hygraph auth token permissions list

For this app, you only want to allow read access to the content. Check the Read rule for all of the models in all locales, which will allow read access to every model in Hygraph.

Hygraph auth token permissions

With that, you can now access the contents in models using GraphQL queries. To see the data sent by Hygraph, open Postman, visit Auth tab, select Bearer Token as the type, and add the Hygraph auth token as the token's value:

Postman auth settings

Finally, send the following queries to get data for each model:

For the employees model:

query {
employees {
external {

API response for employees

For the company policy model:

query {
companyPolicies {

API response for company policies

For the business glossary model:

query {
businessGlossaries {

API response for business glossaries

For the video course model:

query {
courseVideos {

API response for video courses

The backend setup for Hygraph is complete, and now you can set up the frontend to consume data from the backend.

Setting Up the FrontendAnchor

You are now ready to build the Next.js frontend website for the company wiki. To create a Next.js project, run the following command in your terminal:

npx create-next-app@latest

On the terminal, when you are asked about the project‘s name, set it to "company-wiki". After that, all the npm dependencies will be installed.

After the installation is complete, navigate into the company-wiki directory and start the Next.js development server by running the following commands in your terminal:

cd company-wiki
npm run dev

This will start the development server on port 3000 and take you to localhost:3000. The first view of the Next.js website will look like this:

Next.js default home page

For this application, you need the following npm dependencies:

  • Apollo Client, which is a fully-featured GraphQL client with caching.
  • GraphQL Wrapper, which is a JavaScript implementation for GraphQL.
  • Marked, a low-level compiler for parsing Markdown.

Install the above dependencies by running the following command in your terminal:

npm i @apollo/client graphql marked

Since everyone likes to style their app in their own way, this tutorial will skip styling the app, and instead concentrate on core functionality.

Setting Up the GraphQL Apollo ClientAnchor

You need to set up a GraphQL Apollo Client to communicate with the Hygraph Content API.

To do so, first, create a config directory in the project’s root directory. Then, in the config directory, create a file called apolloClient.js and add the following code to it:

// 1
import { ApolloClient, createHttpLink, InMemoryCache } from "@apollo/client";
import { setContext } from "@apollo/client/link/context";
// 2
const httpLink = createHttpLink({
// 3
const authLink = setContext((_, { headers }) => {
return {
headers: {
authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_HYGRAPH_PERMANENTAUTH_TOKEN}`,
// 4
export const client = new ApolloClient({
link: authLink.concat(httpLink),
cache: new InMemoryCache(),

In the above code:

  1. You import the required NPM packages.
  2. You create httpLink, in which you specify the base URL of the Hygraph Content API endpoint.
  3. You create authLink, in which you specify the authorization header for communicating with the Hygraph Content API.
  4. You define and export the ApolloClient instance (client) in which you pass an object with link and cache properties.

Next, create a .env file in the root directory and add the following environment variables to it:


Replace YOUR_HYGRAPH_CONTENT_API_ENDPOINT with your Hygraph Content API endpoint, which is located in Project Settings > Access > API Access, and <YOUR_HYGRAPH_PERMANENTAUTH_TOKEN> with your Hygraph permanent auth key, which is located in Project Settings > Access > API Access > Permanent Auth Tokens.

Open the _app.js file in the pages directory and replace the existing code with the following code:

// 1
import { ApolloProvider } from "@apollo/client";
import { client } from "../config/apolloClient";
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
return (
// 2
<ApolloProvider client={client}>
<Component {...pageProps} />
export default MyApp;

In the above code:

  1. You import the ApolloProvider from the @apollo/client library and the client object that you created earlier.
  2. You wrap the Component with ApolloProvider, which allows you to access custom hooks and functions defined by @apollo/client anywhere in your Next.js application.

Creating the Company Wiki Home PageAnchor

Open the index.js file in the pages directory and replace the existing code with the following code:

import Link from "next/link";
export default function HomePage() {
return (
<div className="mb-4">
<h1>Welcome to Company Wiki</h1>
<div className="d-flex flex-column">
<Link href="/employees" passHref>
<a className="mb-3">Employees</a>
<Link href="/company-policies" passHref>
<a className="mb-3">Company Policies</a>
<Link href="/business-glossary" passHref>
<a className="mb-3">Business Glossary</a>
<Link href="/course-videos" passHref>
<a className="mb-3">Course Videos</a>

In the code, you define and export the HomePage component, in which you provide links to Employees, Company Policies, Business Glossary, and Course Videos.

Save your progress and visit localhost:3000, where you should see something similar to this:

Company wiki home page

Note that because styling has been left to the reader, your page may look slightly different. However, the core aspects of it—the title and the links to the pages—should be present.

Creating the Employees PageAnchor

Create an employees.js file in the pages directory and paste in the following code:

// 1
import Link from "next/link";
import { gql, useQuery } from "@apollo/client";
// 2
export default function EmployeesPage() {
// 3
const query = gql`
employees {
external {
// 4
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(query);
// 5
if (!loading && !error && data) {
return (
<Link href="/" passHref>
{ => (
<div key={}>
{employee.external.firstName} {employee.external.lastName}
{employee.external.gender && <p>{employee.external.gender}</p>}

In the above code:

  1. You import the required npm packages.
  2. You define and export the EmployeePage component.
  3. You define the GraphQL query (query) for getting the employees.
  4. You call the useQuery hook by passing the query to it and getting the values for loading, error, and data.
  5. You return the UI for the EmployeePage component.

Save your progress and visit localhost:3000/employees, and you’ll get the following result:

Company wiki employees page

The explanation above is how each page is created. The numbered steps are the same, and all that changes is the name of the component in steps two and five. As such, while the full code for each page is given, the remaining pages won't have an explanation after them.

Creating the Company Policies PageAnchor

Create a company-policies.js file in the pages directory and add the following code to it:

// 1
import Link from "next/link";
import { marked } from "marked";
import { gql, useQuery } from "@apollo/client";
// 2
export default function CompanyPoliciesPage() {
// 3
const query = gql`
companyPolicies {
// 4
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(query);
// 5
if (!loading && !error && data) {
return (
<Link href="/" passHref>
<div className="mb-5 mt-3">
<h1>Company Policy</h1>
<div className="d-flex flex-column">
{ => (
<div key={} className="mb-3">
<h2 className="h4">{policy.title}</h2>
{policy.description && (
__html: marked.parse(policy.description),

After saving your progress, visit localhost:3000/company-policies to see the result.

Company wiki company policies page

Creating Business Glossary PageAnchor

Create a file called business-glossary.js in the pages directory. Add the following code to it:

// 1
import Link from "next/link";
import { gql, useQuery } from "@apollo/client";
// 2
export default function BusinessGlossariesPage() {
// 3
const query = gql`
businessGlossaries {
// 4
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(query);
// 5
if (!loading && !error && data) {
return (
<Link href="/" passHref>
<div className="mb-5 mt-3">
<h1>Business Glossary</h1>
<div className="d-flex flex-column">
{ => (
<div key={} className="mb-3">
<h2 className="h4">{term.title}</h2>

Visit localhost:3000/business-glossary to see the result.

Company wiki business glossaries page

Creating the Course Videos PageAnchor

Create course-videos.js in the pages directory, and add the following code to it:

// 1
import Link from "next/link";
import { gql, useQuery } from "@apollo/client";
// 2
export default function CourseVideosPage() {
// 3
const query = gql`
courseVideos {
// 4
const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(query);
// 5
if (!loading && !error && data) {
return (
<Link href="/" passHref>
<div className="mb-5 mt-3">
<h1>Course Videos</h1>
<div className="d-flex flex-column">
{ => (
<div key={} className="mb-3">
<h2 className="h4">{course.title}</h2>
<p>{course?.video?.context?.custom?.caption ?? ""}</p>
{course?.video?.url && (
className="img-fluid w-100 mb-3 rounded"
alt={ ?? ""}

When you save your progress and visit localhost:3000/course-videos, you’ll get the following result:

Company wiki video courses page

Deploying to Vercel (Optional)Anchor

As a bonus, you can also deploy your company wiki to a platform like Vercel. You'll need a Vercel account for this part of the tutorial.

To do so, initialize a Git repository in your local project directory, then commit and push the changes to an upstream GitHub repository.

Import your repository to Vercel.

Import project form

Vercel will automatically detect the framework. Add the project's environment variables and their respective values, then click on Deploy to start the build:

Vercel project settings

Once the build is complete, you’ll see the deployment URL.

Vercel deployment URL

Finally, visit the deployment URL and you’ll see your Next.js website.

Company wiki on Vercel


In this tutorial, you learned to create an internal company wiki from scratch. You implemented the backend and content management with Hygraph, and the frontend with Next.js. You also learned to create and fetch data from a remote source in Hygraph. Finally, you learned to manage assets on a third-party host like Cloudinary.

The entire source code for this tutorial is available in this GitHub repository.

  • Ravgeet Dhillon
  • Ravgeet Dhillon

    Full-Stack Developer & Technical Content Writer

    Ravgeet Dhillon is a full-time software engineer and technical content writer who codes and writes about React, Vue, Flutter, Laravel, Node, Strapi, and Python. Based in India, he helps startups, businesses, and open source organizations with software consultancy.

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