Technology and Features

Is Hygraph able to call API from other applications?

Yes, you can use webhooks for reacting to calls from other applications. It doesn’t matter where the calls are coming from.

Is a Hygraph integration with GitLab or other Continuous Integration tools?

Yes, it is possible with webhooks. You can find out more on the Hygraph webhooks documentation.

How long does it typically take until content goes live after publishing?

Your content is live (if published) and query-able almost instantly, within < 1sec.

Can I connect Google Analytics with Hygraph?

In the case of a Headless CMS, best practices are to add your Tracking IDs in the front-end of your application or website. Most commonly this is achieved by adding a single tracking container ID for a tag management platform (like Google Tag Manager), and handling scripts for Analytics (and other solutions) from there.

Can I have folders for my content in Hygraph?

Hygraph Content Views and View Groups offer a folder-like structure for your content. Persistent Content Views allow a persistent view of content with specific features for which a filter is pre-applied.

Do you allow for plugin development within Hygraph?

With our webhooks and write-operations (mutations) you are able to connect any 3rd-party services.

How can I preview newly created draft content with Hygraph?

There is a built-in preview for each content item created. Entries that are set to “Draft” or “Not published” in your content editing window can first be pushed to a test-version of your application in the front-end for preview before they get published on the production version of the application. More about content previews and preview URLs can be found in our documentation.

Is it possible to share or separate some content per client fetching content from Hygraph (e.g. different apps or websites)?

Yes, this is defined either in your app schema, or via filters.

Is it possible to share or separate some content per country?

Yes, this is defined either in your app schema, or via filters.

Is the user interface of the content management system available in multiple languages?

Currently, the content authoring interface is only in English.

Where can I find your Management API Documentation?

The Management API has auto-generated documentation via the API Explorer.

The Management API allows you to programmatically do the following operations within and across projects:

  • Create, delete and update content models, enumerations, fields, content views
  • Invite users
  • Deploy a schema
  • Add and revoke permissions to a role
  • Create, update, delete a project
  • Clone and sync a stage
  • Import and export content
  • Create authorisation tokens
  • Create, update, delete a webhook

Use cases include migrating your schema and content from a legacy CMS into Hygraph, using project-templates (write-once-use-multiple-times), fixing bugs in several projects.

What types of image editing actions can I perform on Hygraph?

Hygraph enables content teams to perform a wide range of on-the-fly image transformation actions including:

  • Resizing and aligning
  • Cropping
  • Rotating
  • Flipping
  • Flopping
  • Adding a watermark
  • Facial Detection
  • Pixelating and Blurring faces
  • Filetype conversion
  • Compression
  • Quality change
  • Chain transformations

Learn more about Assets in Hygraph on our docs.

How does Hygraph count the size of images to the asset traffic when they get resized?

Hygraph only counts the size of the resized image.